What an end to our adventure in Bangalore! About a week ago I started experiencing some chest pain that was eerily similar to "The Big One" in 2006. We were on vacation at the beach in Goa, and the cardiologist we met with at the ER there said everything was fine. The symptoms subsided after another day of lounging around. However, when we returned to Bangalore I met with my doctor and another cardiologist. They were significantly more concerned about the similarity of the symptoms and an elevated ST in my ECG. Their recommendations were to get back to the US ASAP and see a cardiologist there, even recommending another angiogram (yikes!) They gave me an anti-coagulant injection that I get to shove in my stomach twice a day while travelling, and told me not to lift a single suitcase or box. I found all this out the day before we got to supervise the movers and get everything finished up.
Right now we are sitting in Chicago, one more flight to Buffalo left after 27 hours straight of travel. The flights went very smooth, although I got lots of funny looks when I asked for assistance carrying our baby paraphenelia because I have a heart condition. The kids were AWESOME, they are such amazing troopers. Monday morning first thing I'll meet with the cardiologist and see what she recommends.
God has provided for us on every step of this adventure, and we are different people because of it.