Wednesday, May 4, 2011

A Quote from Ansel

While a carpenter, the caretaker for our building, and our housekeeper were discussing how to fix an unsafe piece of metal under our dining room sink, I asked Ansel what he wanted to play. He said, "I don't want to play with you. You're not Indian!" He loves seeing the different people that come to our door everyday. In fact, he becomes hysterical if he doesn't get to have some part in answering the door or the phone. These characters add to our story here in India.

The other day we went to pick Travis up from work. Ansel was so excited to see that our friends' driver, Shankar, was there. He started to scream, "Can I go see Mr. Shane-car now?!?" He sat in the parking lot and waited for his daddy with Shankar and our driver, Durai. The three of them sat together with their arms around each other. It is so sweet to see the light-hearted interaction of these grown men with Ansel. He was definitely thrilled to have their attention.